FRESH production

New short film

Fresh Production Group Company has started the production of short film “In the field”. Film “In the field” has won eighth competitive selection of film projects and received funding from Ukrainian State Film Agency. On October 18th, producers Julia Chernyavska and Oleg Shcherbina together with chairman of Ukrainian State Film Agency Philip Illienko contracted to create a short debut film of Aleksandr Shkrabak “In the field”.

This story is about father who finds out about the death of his son. The body remained in the territory, which is controlled by separatists. The father goes to the war zone to find his son’s body and return it home…

The film “In the field” is a story about us, about our present, that Ukrainians are not indifferent to other’s children – says writer and director Aleksander Shkrabak. – I believe that one of our main tasks – to show European audience that Russia and Ukraine is not the same. We have different people and different cultures. Europeans need to turn attention to the fact that the war in Ukraine is the war in Europe. “

Producer Julia Chernyavska about the film:

“A little boy from the east of Ukraine said to my question about the war: “War is a problem that may happen to you every minute.” It is unlikely we understand that this is so, but about 40 armed conflicts are happening right now the world. Each of them takes lives of children, adults and the elderly every day. To understand what is happening, to feel the pain of others as your own – these are the first steps to achieve peace. “In the field” is a film about the war, but for PEACE in both: our country and around the world. “

Well-known film director, screenwriter and actor Mikhail Illienko: “A few days ago, I was with volunteers in eastern Ukraine – showed soldiers students’ films and my film” TheOneWhoWentThroughTheFire”. Once again, I made sure: today the area from Shastlivtsevo to Mariupol is the main focus group of the country. It was there that sentence from the famous film of Tengiz Abuladze came to my mind and that is where these words are adapted to in our time: “Why make film today, if it does not lead to victory?” I wish creative victory to Aleksander Shkrabak who defended diploma on my course this year! I wish Sasha to make a film, which we can show to both:  our fighters and at the festival.”

Film shooting is planned for the end of November 2016. After the post-production, the picture will become a participant of international festivals.

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